This fundraising event was created to help Canadian speed skating clubs in the midst of COVID-19. We are now ready to include other groups or organizations with fundraising opportunities as well.

Easy Option A – TEAm10

Your club promotes the fundraiser and shares coupon code with members, friends, family or anyone. They order tea from our website, pay online, have it shipped directly to them and we pay your club 10% of their tea purchase. Almost no work for your club, but the more you promote it and pass it along, the more money your club can potentially receive.

Easy Option B – TEAm20

Same as A, except rather than 10% money return, your club receives 20% in store credit for I Love Speed Skating. Apply it to club purchases of skates, sharpening equipment etc.

Option C – TEAm30

The club promotes the fundraiser and the customers order online from our website using your coupon code.  Their orders are shipped to your club in one big order for you to distribute. It’s a bit more work for the club, but individual customers will save by having bulk shipping and the club will receive a higher percentage. The club will earn 30% of the price of the tea sold.

Option D – TEAm40

The same as C except rather than earning 30% money back the club receives 40% of the total tea sales as store credit for I Love Speed Skating.  

Community groups such a school PACs, sporting organizations, youth clubs etc are welcome to contact us to create a fundraising package that best suits your needs.

Sign up now!

To sign up, make an account on the My Account page. Once you have an account, register as an affiliate. We will then review your registration and send you all the details for your fundraiser as soon as possible!